You are invited to the Halloween Fancy Dress competition organised by the Friends of Vinall Park
There will be prizes for the best dressed
Please come to Vinall Park on Thursday 31st October at 6pm and join in the fun

You are invited to the Halloween Fancy Dress competition organised by the Friends of Vinall Park
There will be prizes for the best dressed
Please come to Vinall Park on Thursday 31st October at 6pm and join in the fun
Please join us for this years Summer Picnic on the Park
It will be on Sunday 7th July – starting at 12 midday. There will also be a free raffle
Please bring a picnic and all your family and enjoy a wonderful time on the park – we look forward to seeing you all there
You will recall that in October last year FoVP invited members, residents and Park users to share memories of their usage of the Park over a number of years and related to a range of activities. The purpose of this was to provide supporting evidence for our application to Medway Council for Village Green Status.
Thank you for your responses.
Since October we have collated that information and provided it to the Council who, initially, undertook to make the application on our behalf.
Unfortunately we have recently been advised that although the Council is supportive in principle of our application it will not be in a position, because of financial, staffing and other resource restraints, to take this forward.
Whilst this is disappointing it does not prevent FoVP from pursuing this ourselves. Having discussed the situation at its meeting on 10 June the FoVP Committee agreed unanimously that rather than delay matters further we would make the application, and bear any costs, ourselves.
As set out in the original message asking for your memories of the Park success in securing Village Green Status will offer additional protection against any proposed development of the Park.
We are optimistic for a positive outcome.
What a fantastic response we got for the Carols on the Green event.
It was such a lovely atmosphere with the dozens of people who attended and everyone had a great time singing along with the Wigmore Voices – who were excellent.
With all the positive feedback we received we are hoping this may now become an annual event
Thanks to everyone who was able to attend and special thanks again to The Wigmore Voices
Please come and join us for Carols on The Green on Vinalls Park.
We are hoping you will be able to join us on Sunday 17th December from 6 till 6:45 to sing some Christmas carols with us. We will be at the Cecil Avenue end near the children’s playground.
We are lucky enough to be accompanied by the Wigmore voices so it should be a great evening.
There was a great response to the Halloween Fancy Dress competition held on Vinall Park last night
There were all ages in the competition and the judges had a very difficult job to decide the winners.
Our councillor Hazel Browne was in attendance to present the prizes to the lucky winners
We had a great variety of costumes and it was great to see some adults taking part too – we even had a lion!
Thank you to everyone who attended and we look forward to doing something similar next year
Dear Members, residents and park users,
After careful consideration of a number of options open to us the Committee of the Friends of Vinall Park has agreed to seek to obtain Town/Village Green status for the Park. We will be supported in this by Medway Council.
The reason for pursuing this course of action is to put another layer of ‘protection’ on the Park against future building development. We hope you will support us in this aim to keep the Park as a Green Space for the benefit of residents and local users.
To take the application forward requires us to collect evidence of the ways in which the Park is used and has been used in the past. This is where we would like your help please. You will see below a set of questions which we hope will prompt you to share your recollections of how you and your friends and family have used the Park.
We have posted copies to everyone in the streets surrounding the park but if you would like to download and print your own copy click below
If you prefer an on-line version can be completed here
Please don’t feel that you have to answer all of the questions in detail – anything that you are able to provide will be helpful.
If you wish to email your response please copy and paste the questions below and send your response to
Vinall Park memories
meet friends/relatives
dog walking
sports/games – organised or ad hoc
other – please define
who organised?
what type of event?
It would be helpful if you could submit your responses by Friday 10 November.
Thank you in advance of your help.
The Vinall Park Committee
There will be a Halloween Fancy Dress competition on Vinall Park on Tuesday 31st October at 6.30. It’s free to enter and there will be a prize for the best costume
Friends of Vinall Park AGM
This years Friends of Vinall Park AGM is to be held at 6.30 on Wednesday 28th June 2023. It will be held on Vinall Park and all Members are welcome.
The Friends of Vinall Park invite the community to come together to celebrate the occasion of the Kings Coronation with a Coronation Lunch
Join us in your front garden or on the park with a picnic or Afternoon Tea on Sunday 7th May from 1pm
There will be a free prize draw ticket for everyone who attends, with a souvenir prize for the winning ticket.
See you there!