Town/Village Green Status – update

You will recall that in October last year FoVP invited members, residents and Park users to share memories of their usage of the Park over a number of years and related to a range of activities.  The purpose of this was to provide supporting evidence for our application to Medway Council for Village Green Status. 

Thank you for your responses.

Since October we have collated that information and provided it to the Council who, initially, undertook to make the application on our behalf.

Unfortunately we have recently been advised that although the Council is supportive in principle of our application it will not be in a position,  because of financial, staffing  and other resource restraints, to take this forward.

Whilst this is disappointing it does not prevent FoVP from pursuing this ourselves.  Having discussed the situation at its meeting on 10 June the FoVP Committee agreed unanimously that rather than delay matters further we  would make the application, and bear any costs, ourselves.

As set out in the original message asking for your memories of the Park success in securing Village Green Status will offer additional protection against any proposed development of the Park.  

We are optimistic for a positive outcome.