
Welcome to The Friends of Vinall Park

Our Aim:

To preserve, promote and enhance Vinall Park as an urban green space for the use, enjoyment and well-being of local residents and visitors.

A link to our Constitution can be found here

Our Privacy Notice can be found here


Our Objectives:

The group will:

  • Promote and encourage the healthy and safe use and enjoyment of Vinall Park for a range of activities.
  • Encourage local people who have an interest in the park to work together to enable it to provide opportunities for relaxation, recreation, education, biodiversity, community development and other activities of a positive social nature.
  • Act as a voice for local residents and visitors to the park by working with Medway Council and other agencies to enhance Vinall Park for the enjoyment of all members of the public.
  • Establish and develop a positive working relationship with Medway Council and other interested parties and agencies.
  • Work in partnership with Medway Council and other similar groups to exchange information and advice, and to receive donations and raise funds for projects identified and agreed to by the FoVP.

If you would like more information about the work of The Friends of Vinall Park please e-mail us



Halloween Fancy Dress Competition

You are invited to the Halloween Fancy Dress competition organised by the Friends of Vinall Park There will be prizes for the best dressed Please come to Vinall Park on Thursday 31st October at 6pm and join in the fun

Picnic in the Park

Please join us for this years Summer Picnic on the Park It will be on Sunday 7th July – starting at 12 midday. There will also be a free raffle Please bring a picnic and all your family and enjoy a wonderful time on the park – we look forward to seeing you all there


If you would like more information about the work of The Friends of Vinall Park please e-mail us



Welcome to the Vinall Park Gallery. Below are a few pictures of our wonderful park.

We would love you to let us show your favorite pictures of the park.

If you would like them included in the gallery please email them to info@vinallpark.org