
One of the things recently finalised is the set up of our bank account.

We would like to express our great thanks to those who have generously donated so far and also to Medway Council for their continued support of our group.

The first project we are fundraising for is a new bench, on the Geneva Avenue side of the park as there are no benches there anymore.

For anyone interested in contributing you can contact the FOVP Committee Treasurer Deb Trotter at who can give you our bank details as required.

Next Litter Pick

The next Litter Pick on Sunday 8th November only has 6 places available as per COVID rules.. Please email to reserve your space.

Also please help to keep the park clean – please pick up your dog’s mess and take any rubbish home or use the bins provided.

Logo Competition Winner!!

The Logo Competition we mentioned in the Summer Newsletter had some excellent entries and after a lot of deliberation by the committee a winner has been chosen.

A big thanks to Mark for designing our lovely new Friends of Vinall Park logo. A worthy winner!

Thank you to everyone that submitted entries

Update from The Chair

A big thank you to all those that attended the first AGM by ZOOM recently – 21 people attend and that was fantastic.

The Constitution was ratified and the Vinall Park Friends Group formally formed – thank to all involved on this adventure.

To confirm our Committee voted in last night is:
Chair – Simon
Vice Chair – Kevin
Secretary – Clair
Treasurer – Deb
Events – Chelsey
Web/IT – Chris

The next General Meeting for members to attend is Wednesday 9th September at 7pm and hopefully that will be a meeting where we can all be together at a nearby venue. There will be 4 General Meetings per year.

In the next few weeks the Committee will be discussing getting a new group Bank account, Membership, Fundraising, a safe Summer event on the park and much more.

Please send your ideas for consideration.

AGM information

Friends of Vinall Park AGM – Wed 10 June at 7pm

Following discussion with Medway Council, we are pleased to give notice of the group’s first AGM (Annual General Meeting) to take place on Wednesday 10 June at 7pm – this will be a ZOOM conference call. The agenda will cover: aims/objectives and setup/membership of the Friends Group; a vote to agree the new Constitution; and, a vote to install group Officers that will take responsibility for this really important first year of existence – exciting times!

To be involved please email us to register to be part of the ZOOM meeting – only those who have contacted us and given their full contact details (name, address, phone, email address) will be invited to attend the ZOOM call. Also please contact us if you would like to be an Officer of the Group for the first year. If anyone would like to be included but is not on ZOOM please email us and we will discuss how you can still be part of the meeting.

Email us at:                                                                                                     

Facebook at Vinalls Group